viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Training With... Maria Segura 6

Hi again Female Muscle Fans. One more time, Maria Segura will show to us another great routine in which legs and glutes are the starring of this new audiovisual work. Everytime the intensity must be adecuated with your desires of overcoming the past achievements and Maria knows how to do it in her impressive and sensational Steel Power that she uses to beat each obstacle in the life.

If you wanted to train legs and glutes with more intensity, this is the perfect video for you, with all the Steel Power that only Maria can show to all admirers of the Warrior Goddesses.

As you know, Maria Segura is always a dedicated athlete, and her videos are the most clear proof of it, and thanks again for her because she has has the will to show through our site all her preparation process with workout sessions for all people with Steel Power. That's all for this article and remember that Female Muscle is a great passion that deserves to be followed so close. See you next time Female Muscle Fans.

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